Friday, May 15, 2009

Won't somebody give this man a pineapple?

OMAHA — U.S. Sen. Mike Johanns visited the Navy’s prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and he says the conditions are more than adequate for the detainees held there.

He says facilities are modern and the detainees are given food, excellent medical care and time to pray daily.

Johanns says he fears pretty much anything that walks, talks and thinks for itself. Especially worrying to the freshman senator is the prospect of a U.S. foreign policy based on diplomacy instead of terror. Because Jebus is all about terror and brutality. Especially the brutality. And the terror.

Copied mostly from the Lincoln Journal-Star - thanks for the press release; sorry to hear about the recent negative income. Get back to me when there's a journalist on staff and the ad department is holding a bake sale.

I'm sure the good senator wasn't the least bit worried about the American citizen recently sentenced to eight years in an Iranian prison. I'm equally sure he's already preparing his annual Christ Mass gifts for American citizens still held in North Korea since, by his peculiar brand of justice, holding foreign citizens in prison indefinitely is okay as long as they have food, medical care and time to pray.

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