Thursday, May 07, 2009

One of Twelve (percent)

In 1938, something between eight and 30% of the American radio listeners believed War of the Worlds was real. Even notorious practical joker Adolf Hitler cited the panic as "evidence of the decadence and corrupt condition of [American] democracy."

Hand, Richard J. (2006). Terror on the Air!: Horror Radio in America, 1931-1952. Jefferson, North Carolina: Macfarland & Company. p. 7. ISBN 0-786-42367-6. via Wikipedia

The minutes raced by. Wayne Williams was now fully prostrate, held up only by a trio of coaches, each of whom took part of his writhing body and propped it up. Another bald man in the front of the chapel was now freaking out in Linda Blair fashion, roaring and making horrific demon noises.

"Rum-balakasha-oom!" shouted Fortenberry in tongues, waving a hand in front of Linda Blair Man. "Cooom-balakasha-froom! In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast out the demon of philosophy!"



The whole thing — the demonic expulsions, the trading of miraculous wives' tales, the crazy End Times theology based on dire predictions that come and go uneventfully once a year or so — it's all a con that is done with the consent of the conned. Which is what gives it strength. If everybody agrees to believe, it is real.

Jesus Made Me Puke Matt Taibbi / Rolling Stone

  • Cantor: GOP Recovery Strategy is “Just Saying No.”
  • Despite Bipartisan Outreach, Every Single House Republican Voted Against Bill to Create or Save 3.5 Million Jobs.
  • RNC Chairman Threatens To Withhold RNC Funds From GOP Senators (including Arlen Specter) Who Backed Stimulus.
  • Republicans Oppose SCHIP Expansion: Bill to Provide Health Care for 11 Million Children Passes “Largely Along Party Lines.”
  • Republicans Opposed Equal Pay Act, Bill Passes in Party Line Vote.
  • Leader of the GOP, Rush Limbaugh: “I Hope he Fails."
  • RNC Chairman Apologizes for Criticizing Limbaugh.
  • Congressional Republicans “Rally Against Obama On Stem Cells.”
These clowns are in Congress because we sent them there. Well, no, that's not right; not all of us: The True Believers, those War-of-the-Worlds Believers, plus many whom the Believers distract with TV-praying, tittylating sports-n-guns sent 'em there. The rest of us stand around asking, "what just happened?" while mostly good and decent people like Chuck Hagel head for the hills.

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