Saturday, April 25, 2009

embryonic stem cells cure blindness

(To Representative Jeff Fortenberry, R-NE)

Digression: What does it say about your values that the selection of "topics" for communication via the website lumps "Education and Labor" together whilst having no entry at all for Science?


In your recent "Bad Science" press release you assert "However, embryonic stem cell research has shown no clinical success." This easily falsified statement might well fool the Republican base here in Nebraska - there were apparently a village-full of people at the taxpayer-supported Lancaster Event Center for Teabagging on the 15th. Despite its popularity at home, a false statement about embryonic stem cell research is still false.

As articles such as this reach my attention, and if I'm not otherwise occupied, I'll be sending them in. While I honestly don't expect you to change your position anytime soon, at minimum you could stop telling this particular falsehood to your constituents.


From The Sunday Times
April 19, 2009
Blind to be cured with stem cells

BRITISH scientists have developed the world’s first stem cell therapy to cure the most common cause of blindness. Surgeons predict it will become a routine, one-hour procedure that will be generally available in six or seven years’ time.

This week Pfizer, the world’s largest pharmaceutical research company, will announce its financial backing to bring the therapy to patients.

Pfizer. One of your local corporate sponsors, no doubt.

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