Monday, March 02, 2009


I was looking for a snappy comeback, a blistering retort or even a simple, logical explanation for what's sometimes called serendipity but more often called blessed intervention or divine guidance. Yeah well, I was going about my daily chores when all of a sudden, there's a web page with this quiz:

11. Although you are new at golf, you have just hit a beautiful 200-yard drive and your ball has landed on a blade of grass near the cup at Hole 3. The green contains ten million blades of grass. The odds of your ball landing on that blade of grass are 10,000,000 to one against, too improbable to have happened by mere chance. What's the explanation?

1. The wind guided it
2. Your muscles guided it
3. There is no need for an explanation
4. You consciously designed your shot to land on that particular blade

How cool is that?

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